A virtual matchmaker is looking to make online dating a lot less superficial.
The app called Connectidy is a ‘cognitive dating platform’ powered by IBM Watson, and artificial intelligence will make sure you never have an awkward exchange again.
On many dating sites, users have a tendency to misrepresent their own personalities.
But, Connectidy will use Watson’s APIs to sculpt ‘true personality’ profiles in attempts to build more honest connections.
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A virtual matchmaker is looking to make online dating a lot less superficial. The app called Connectidy is a ‘cognitive dating platform’ powered by IBM Watson, and artificial intelligence will make sure you never have an awkward exchange again
Connectidy puts the focus on emotional intelligence, analysing everything from writing style to personality traits for each user.
To create personality profiles, Watson pulls information from major social media sites including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Users will also be prompted to answer open-ended questions.
Then, the info is plugged into the Praescripto Engine’s ‘5 pass algorithms.’
These algorithms update constantly, working off of user feedback and new data to make improvements.
By focusing less on superficial traits, like physical preferences, the app aims to be a platform that connects users ‘for who they really are instead of forcing them to dictate who they think they should be.’
Once a profile has been generated, each user will be able to view their own ‘Big 5’ personality ranking, along with other subtraits the service detected from their personal information.
If a user answers questions thoroughly, profiles will be 90 percent accurate or better, the website claims.
Connectidy users will also be able to see a visualization of their ‘universe,’ showing the colour-coded traits of other people around them.
And, once a match has been made, the service acts as a go-between to make sure each person is truly sending the message they wish to convey – no miscommunication, or awkward exchanges.
Using a Tone Analyzer powered by Watson, the user will see suggestions regarding their word choices, and possible improvements.
This way, the site explains, a person can see how they really sound, versus how they think they should.
‘Connectidy’s mission is to say ‘goodbye,’’ said Connectidy’s President Dineen Tallering.
‘As part of our successs, we will change the current system that pulls daters in and never lets them out. We want to help users find that special someone so we have built technology that truly can end the online dating merry-go-round.’

To create personality profiles, Watson pulls information from major social media sites, which is plugged into the Praescripto Engine’s ‘5 pass algorithms.’ Once a profile has been generated, each user will be able to view their own ‘Big 5’ personality traits, along with other traits the service detected from their personal information

Using a Tone Analyzer powered by Watson, the user will see suggestions regarding their word choices, and possible improvements. This way, the site explains, a person can see how they really sound, versus how they think they should
Along with working to make more impactful matches, Connectidy also aims to weed out the ‘fakers’ and ‘scammers’
When a person signs up for the service and begin matching, that user will be directed to a verification page.
Each user will undergo a three-way user verification, so the service can ensure that there are ‘no bots, no fakes, no phonies.’
The app has not yet been releaesd, but Connectidy has launched a Beta Program which is open for application until March 31, and select users will eligible for a free lifetime membership.

When a person signs up for the service and begin matching, that user will be directed to a verification page. Each user will undergo a three-way user verification, so the service can ensure that there are ‘no bots, no fakes, no phonies’